Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Letter Grades for Cars

So this is Obama’s big plan to fix the economy? You have to be kidding me. With all the problems facing Americans today, this is what Obama and his cohorts come up with . . . that’s embarrassing!

In order for a car to achieve an A+, the car would have to get 117 miles per gallon. I guess only bicycles will get an A+ for the first 100 years.

Are the people at the EPA and Obama out of their minds? How can these dullards even justify suggesting this kind of nonsense when after 2 years in office, the American economy is still in the toilet.

It doesn’t matter if it’s the economy that Obama inherited from GW Bush. Obama had all these great ideas during the 2008 campaign and has followed through on only one, Health Care Reform, which will in all eventuality bankrupt America. Now after two years in office, Obama wants to deflect blame back on Bush?

The malaise and stagnation of the American economy is a direct result of blunders and policy coming directly from the Obama Administration. Other world economies are growing. India had 8 percent growth this year. Germany, who is pulling back from their socialist past and CUTTING SPENDING AND TAXES grew 7.6 percent. Even the Russian economy grew at 4 percent.

Meanwhile here in America, we have a president in Obama, who has done exactly the wrong thing at precisely the right time. It so reminds me and everyone old enough to remember of Jimmy Carter. In fact there are many economists that call Obama’s presidency the second term of Jimmy Carter.

Reforming health care, raising taxes, letting tax breaks run out, all of these actions by Obama and the democrats take money out of the economy. They cause an economy to falter.

It has not gotten to the point that even the liberal media that helped elect Obama have begun to ask the questions that should have been asked during the campaign. Mainly, what is Obama going to do to fix the economy?

Amazingly enough, the silence from Obama and the idiots he calls advisers has been deafening, with the exception of the usual platitudes like, “The fed stands at the ready to throw more money at the situation” and “Blame the republicans for stonewalling what doesn’t work anyway.”

For the ardent defenders of the messiah, cutting taxes gives people more money to spend and more importantly, pay off debt. Throwing money at the recession that isn’t even worth the paper that it’s printed on solves nothing and this has been proven in the last two and a half years.

That’s right, for those of you to loaded from bong hits to remember, GW Bush sent the first stimulus package through. All of these stimulus packages have done little or nothing to help the economy.

So America will continue along moving sideways. Our taxes will go up. We will all sit back and watch the house and senate go back to the republicans like it did in 1994 ala Bill Clinton and his own ineptness that sent us into an economic tailspin. It’s going to be a long two years.

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