Friday, February 6, 2015

Globalization And America's Hopes

Some people are nervous about globalization, and some people are just in denial. But it's impossible to escape it - the way the world seeps in. You can't fence the world out, and you can't fence yourself in, because technology knows no borders.

To fear globalization is to fear change and progress, but like it or not, change is a constant in our lives. It is often subtle, and as we've seen with Barack Obama, it can be quite abrupt. Now I don't know about you, but everytime I got secure and complacent, God threw me a curve. But looking back, I now see that it wasn't a curve, it was a challenge that I needed. I had to shake off my complacency and do what any good Marine would do, Adapt, Improvise and Overcome (ie) change. So whenever you hear someone saying "Let's keep doing things exactly the way we've always done things", standby, a shake-up is coming, and that's exactly how we got the ass clown we have now in the White House.

So the process of change is called globalization, or in other words, the erosion of national boundaries and reduced significance of a nation and its government, nowhere is this more evident than at our southern boarders. Yet before you can deal with change, you have to see it, and sometimes that's the hardest part - acknowledging and then accepting that the way you've always done things, or lived your life just won't work anymore. This is just a basis life lesson. It's true of individuals, families, communities and of course it's true of entire nations. There's plenty of historical examples of nations that got kicked in the ass because of their resistance to change, in fact I have gone back and tracked the success and failures of many nations in the world by how open they were to change. ( I emplore you to follow the link that I have provided here for an accurate understanding as to where I'm going with this article) .