Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Racism Is Not A Partisan Issue

These days, it seems whenever someone wants to silence their opponents or their detractors, the first order of business is to get them labeled, and the best (and apparently the best of the worst) is to slap the label “Racist” on with enough rhetoric glue to make it stick - - if you don’t like what I’m doing you are a racist; if you don’t agree with me, you are a racist; if you don’t believe as I believe, you are a racist . . . and on and on.

I think it interesting that the liberal leftist demagogues shout that accusation immediately so often that it is almost losing its power. I note, “Almost”.

Recently, a 10 year long contract employee of a very liberal broadcast media made the mistake of voicing an opinion. In fact, he gave voice to an opinion held by [likely] hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people around the world, not just here in the US.

I published an article on this and several readers felt inclined to comment on the article – the first one, named “Maura”, caught my attention.

"If Juan Williams deviates even slightly from the party line, he gets viciously attacked by those on the radical left."

Racism is not a partisan issue.

True, Maura, racism is not partisan. This is made even more evident by the article. It seems that the liberal leftists are just as eager to slap that label on their own almost as quickly as they slap it on their right-wing conservative opponents.

I have a couple of questions though. Why would anyone refer to someone who voices a fear of people who deliberately identify themselves with murder, mayhem, terror, torture, hatred and what most of the free world agree is evil as “racism”?

Are those who salute and wear the swastika of only one race? No, there are people of every nationality, every culture, every color, and every race on earth who still promote Nazism. These people are vile supporters of their own supremacist ideologies (which, by the way, was supported by influential muslim leaders and entire muslim countries before, during and after World War II)

Do you really believe it is racist for a normal person to see people who are identifying themselves as belonging to a certain group that promotes violence, and threatens death to any who “cross” it? I call that common sense. Here is an example, is it "racist" to be fearful of a person who chooses to wear a particular street gang’s identifying color garb, or an insignia of a violent motorcycle gang? Isn't it more reasonable to believe that any individual clothed in such a manner would at the very least be supportive of the street gang or motorcycle gang whose colors or insignia they wore, if not actually an active member, that they are at the minimum attempting to emulate them, to fit in with them? So, why then, is it unreasonable for anyone to see a person clothed in another particular way which identifies them with groups who actively seek the subjugation, violent conversion, or death of any person not belonging to their “gang” to be fearful of what may be their intentions? Why is that racist?

It is not racist for a person to walk down the street, look to the corner, see a group of youths in gang colors, being loud and offensive to all who pass by, to cross to the other side of the street or hope for a cop to be handy [never around when you need them]. And it is not racist of me to say that when I see that gang on the street corner I am fearful of their intentions.

This is not “racism”. This is self preservation, self defense 101. It is not racist to be fearful of a group of people, especially a group consisting of all colors, of all ethnic backgrounds, of all varieties that identify themselves as muslim. You see, you cannot point to one “race” and say “There is a muslim”, you cannot point to one skin color and say “There is a muslim”, and because it is actually quite impossible to identify a muslim by “race” or skin color, it is ludicrous of those on the left to refer to those who believes there are ample reasons (like me) to dislike any single or group of muslims as a racist. Muslim (Islam) quite simply is not any one single race. Just as Christianity is not any one single race. Additionally, there are Hindus, Jews, and most all other religions which have a multitude of races (skin color, ethnic, or geographic) in their midst.

If, however, you simply seek to slander or smear, in an attempt to silence or marginalize those who believe there is justification to dislike, be fearful of, or even to fight against a single muslim or a group of muslims and are not afraid to say so out loud, then at least try to be more accurate in your slur. (you will please note I have never referenced the entire muslim population, as there are likely good and bad in any entire body of believers of every population)

These people are not racists, they are, at worst, bigots (at best, they are honest, truthful, plain spoken Americans exercising their 1st Amendment Rights). Being a bigot is little more than making a personal choice to dislike, be fearful of or oppose based on personal opinion, personal beliefs, and personal conclusion. Heaven forbid any one of us choose our own life and how we want to live it as being better and wanting to keep/maintain it over having someone else’s idea of what our life should be and having them force their will upon us. Have you considered that because liberals/democrats are so vehemently opposed to conservatives, they too could be correctly identified as bigots?

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